在yl6809永利官网工作期间,主要承担与冀东发展有限公司合作的“科里奥利粉料质量流量计研制”及“科里奥利粉料质量流量测控系统研制”等系列项目;东安“直升机主减速器试验台计算机控制系统研制”项目;529厂 “自动平衡吊装设备研制”项目;“空间非圆锥齿轮副传动研究”及“液中固态异物检测技术研究”等自主项目。
1 耿春明,赵万生,王致良,赵家齐,刘晋春.基于CCD和PC机的高精度刚度检测系统的研制.光学技术.2001, 27(2)
2 耿春明,赵万生,刘晋春,赵家齐.精密电火花磨削加工的切向进给法.制造技术与机床.2001, (7)
3 耿春明,夏继强,赵万生.基于局部间隙状况电火花磨削周期的伺服策略.电加工与模具. 2005, (2)
4 耿春明,满庆丰,夏继强,聂慧萍.科里奥利固体散料质量流量测量原理分析.计量技术.2005, (6)
5 耿春明,牟伦荣,满庆丰.基于科氏粉料秤的流量测控系统设计.仪表技术与传感器.2009, (8)
6 耿春明,蔡东宝.基于计算机视觉的机械零件检测系统设计.计算机测量与控制.2012, 20(1)
7 耿春明,方波.精微电火花加工多模式实验装置的设计.电加工与模具.2012, (2)
8 刘吾琼,满庆丰,耿春明.基于光电转换的数字化转矩传感器.仪表技术与传感器.2013,(1)
9 夏继强,梁超众,耿春明,陈学军.PROFIBUS-DP主站网关设计及其关键技术.yl6809永利官网学报2011(8)
10 夏继强,邢春香,耿春明,满庆丰.工业现场总线技术的新进展. yl6809永利官网学报.2004(4)
11 Shi, Kan (School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, BeiHang University, 100191, Beijing, China); Xia, Jiqiang; Wang, Chunjie; Geng, Chunming . Design of the pitch cones of noncircular bevel gears. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE), v 3, PARTS A, B, AND C, p 1537-1542, 2012, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2012
12 Xia, Jiqiang (School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China); Liu, Yuanyuan; Geng, Chunming; Song, Jiangbin. Noncircular bevel gear transmission with intersecting axes. Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, v 130, n 5, May 2008
Zhang, Xiaoning (School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China); Geng, Chunming; Fu, Yongling. Design principle of integrated direct digital sensor of rotation rate and torque. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 6358 I, 2006, Sixth International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology: Sensors, Automatics Measurement, Control, and Computer Simulation